- 咖啡文化
- 2024-10-31
- 205热度
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Throughout history, people have played some version of a kicking game. What the world now calls football began as farback as 2500BC with the Chinese game of tsu chu.The sport were familiar with today originated in Britain; by the 1840s,Englands Football Association had established a set of rules, and the modern game was born. Today, more than 120 million regular players from all over the globe participate in the game annually,truly making soccer the worlds sport.
古往今来,人们皆玩过某种形式的踢球游戏。当今,被世界称之为足球的运动可追根溯源至公元前 2500 年的中国蹴鞠。现在我们耳熟能详的这项运动则滥觞于英国。至 19 世纪 40 年代,英格兰足协确立起一套规则。现代足球运动便应运而生。如今,全球每年都有逾1.2 亿名职业运动员参与这一运动,从而使足球真正成为了一项世界级体育运动。
Europe: Home of the Rich and Famous
Europe has the largest number of soccer players on Earth and is also home to the worlds richest and best-known professional teams. Europes major clubs-such as Spains Real Madrid and Englands Manchester United-have evolved from local teams to global brands, with supporters all over the world, Some are owned by foreign businessmen, who invest large amounts of money in their clubs, hoping to earn significant returns on ticket sales,television,and advertising deals.
Asia: A Growing Passion
Over the past three decades, an intense soccer competition among many countries has helped to increase enthusiasm for the sport across Asia.This enthusiasm has also helped to bridge differences and bring people together.
Australia and Oceania:Soccer Down Under
For decades, Australian sports have been dominated by cricket, rugby, and Australian rules football.Today, this region still has the fewest number of soccer players and teams. But interest in soccer is growing as immigrants from the Balkans and other countries bring the sport and their enthusiasm for it to their new country.
Africa: Soccer’s New Frontier
Africa has a number of talented players; however, the continent lacks strong domestic teams and facesthe prospect of losing many of its best players to the European clubs.
South America: Unbeatable Talent

South America produces some of the most exciting soccer on Earth, and many of the most admired players. Brazil has won the most World Cup Finals ever, and is the only team to have participated in every World Cup to date. Argentina has won the 2022 World Cup in one of the most thrilling finals in tournament history.
North America: A Sport for Everyone
In North America, almost 28 percent of the professional players are women the largest number in the world. The womens World Cup finals are a hugely popular event. Mens soccer is also gaining in popularity throughout North America, despite tough competition from other popular team sports, such as baseball, Americanfootball,and (especially in Canada) ice hockey.
Soccer: A Global Force
Thanks to its worldwide popularity and the reach of satellite television, soccer has experienced a major evolution in recent years. Todays major teams import both players and coaches from abroad, and clubs once supported only by their local communities now have fans all over the world. In the last quarter century. Soccer has succeeded in cutting across national lines to become a global, interconnected sport-one that has the power to unite us all.
现在是凌晨145,21岁的托马斯·墨菲(Thomas Murphy)正在熬夜为今天下午2点的一个重要的工程学考试而学习。为了保持清醒和专注,他在之前的三个小时内喝了两杯咖啡,现在正在喝一种流行的能量饮料﹣﹣比相同大小的一听苏打水所含的咖啡因高二到三倍。许多像墨菲一样的学生、马拉松运动员、航空公司飞行员和长途旅行者,将他们的能量归功于人类最古老的兴奋剂(stimulant)之——咖啡因。很多人说他们离不开它。
Its 1:45 a.m., but 21-year-old Thomas Murphy is studying for an important engineering exam scheduled for 2 p.m. today. In order to stay awake and focused, he drank two cups of coffee in the previous three hours. He is currently consuming a popular energy drink, which contains two to three times more caffeine than a can of soda water of the same size. Many students, marathon runners, airline pilots and long-distance travelers, like Murphy, attribute their energy to caffeine, one of mankinds oldest stimulants. Many people claim that they cannot live without it.
The ability to overcome physical fatigue and improve efficiency is partly the reason why caffeine is so popular. It is found not only in soda water, energy drinks, coffee, and tea, but also in diet pills, pain relievers (like aspirin), and chocolate bars. Caffeine-related rituals have developed all over the world, including afternoon tea in Britain, coffee culture in France, and morning coffee and morning tea, which mark the beginning of the day in many cultures.
Many foods we eat and water we drink contain caffeine, but is it really beneficial to us? Charles Czeisler, a scientist and sleep expert at Harvard Medical School, believes that caffeine can cause unhealthy insomnia. He stated that without adequate sleep-the recommended eight hours of sleep-the human body will not function physically, mentally and emotionally. We tend to consume caffeine to stay awake, which prevents us from getting the sleep we require.
Also, health risks are closely related to the intake of caffeine. Over the years, many studies have attributed the high incidence of certain types of cancer and bone diseases to the intake of caffeine. So far, however, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that caffeine causes these diseases.
The scientific community generally believes that moderate intake of caffeine is safe, for example, drinking one or two small cups of coffee (about 300 milligrams of caffeine) per day. In addition, many existing studies refute the long-held negative view of caffeine, suggesting that it may actually be beneficial to health. For example, studies have shown that caffeine can relieve pain by reducing muscle inflammation. As a stimulant, caffeine can also help to improve a persons mood. According to research, some caffeine drinks, especially certain teas, contain chemicals that can help the human body fight many diseases.
The influence of caffeine on behavior is real, but it is very slight. Certainly, getting more energy is the reason why many popular drinks contain caffeine. Whether a student drinks coffee before class or a businessman drinks tea at lunch, humans favorite stimulant is at work.